Wellness Spa Clinic

Brooke Holden


Rejuvenate Wellness Spa is a 2 year old clinic with a phenomenal short track record.The spa specializing in a variety of organic wellness programs, non-invasive cosmetic procedures and more. Desiring to open up a multi facet facility in a high demand area in Texas, including a wellness area, non invasive cosmetic with the latest technology and spa area including restoration area with sauna, indoor pool and more. The area where the intend to open does not know who they are, which is how we were introduced to them. The target audience is there no doubt, but there reputation locally is not.


Beginning a journey in an area where you are unknown locally orregionally is risky, though they have 1 store front, they acquired $650k in funding within recent months to invest in this impeccable idea.

The first conversation with the our team was:

  • Where are the target audience locally?
  • Where should RWS be listed in order to attract the target audience?
  • What can drive the target audience to the clinic streamlessly?


Ad Critter, Brand Influencers, CAM SEO, Create Socials, Yext, Rep. Management, C & Marketing's Client Marketing and Client Success Teams joined hands using the A-List Plan which included a wide range of marketing and ad campaigns.Rejuvenate shared their business expansion goals, and Cultivating & Marketing converted these goals into milestones that can be gauged and measured through ai and Specialists overseeing them.

The following key milestones were arrived at within a 2-5 month time frame:
local TV views
local Billboard views
likes on YouTube
booked appointment by Referrals (Affiliate Marketing)


Cultivating & Marketing and Rejuvenate Wellness "Avitane" had a real conversation about goals and budget and were able to utilize the most aggressive package for digital media. This ability allowed our partners, client and team to work collaboratively and focus on where the ads and marketing should be targeted.

Through segmentation of the audience, engagement monitoring,and budget tracking, Cultivating & Marketing could modify strategy in real-time. Not to mention a local celebrity boosting the client's reputation. With such a targeted approach, the marketing solution was cost-effective and has helped build a loyal customer base through mass media marketing and ad campaigns.

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